
New chief for Hamburg Süd

Poul Hestbaek is to take over as chief executive of Hamburg Süd from Dr Arnt Vespermann. Hestbaek has been with Hamburg Süd since 2004 and is currently the Chief Commercial Officer of the now AP Moller-Maersk-owned company. [+]

Seafreight rate hike on hold

Hamburg Süd has postponed a General Rate Increase from the US and Canada west coast to North Europe and Mediterranean. The increase, originally scheduled for 1 September, will now go into effect on 1 October. [+]

Fast box booking from Hamburg Süd

Shipping line Hamburg Süd is now offering INSTANT, a digital application that makes booking containers easier and faster. Users can view fixed prices and book their cargo directly online, up to four weeks prior to the planned shipment. The earlier the booking is made, the lower the total price for ... [+]

Hamburg Sud offers remote reefer monitoring

Maersk subsidiary Hamburg Süd will demonstrate its future Remote Container Management system at the Fruit Logistica trade show in Berlin on 6-8 February. In recent months, all the line’s refrigerated boxes have been fitted with the technology which uses satellite and mobile radio technology to monitor containers and the condition ... [+]

Maersk merges Latin America routes

Maersk Line is to merge its CRX Central America, Caribbean and Europe service with the ECMS route operated  by its recent acquisition, Hamburg Sud. It said the move would reduce capacity in line with current market needs “in response to challenging market conditions”. Chief operating officer Soren Toft explained: “By merging ... [+]

It’s business as usual for Hamburg Sud

Maersk Line closed its deal to acquire German carrier Hamburg Sud on 30 November but the line will remain a commercially independent brand under its new owner, it said. Dr Arnt Vespermann (pictured, left) takes over as chief executive from Dr Ottmar Gast, who will continue to be closely associated with ... [+]

Qualified yes to Maersk Hamburg Sud buy

South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission has given the green light to Maersk Line’s acquisition of Hamburg Sud – but only on condition that the German-owned container carrier pulls out of vessel sharing agreements on trades between Asia and South America. Maersk said it was willing to do so and anticipated ... [+]

Hamburg Sud meets pharma standards

Hamburg Süd said it would meet Good Distribution Practice (GDP) standards for the transport of pharma goods from July. GDP rules stipulate that the temperature-regulating sensors of the reefer machinery not only monitor each other automatically, but also that calibration has to take place, and be documented, at regular intervals. [+]

Brussels clears Maersk-Hamburg Sud merger

The European Commission cleared Maersk Line’s acuisition of Germany’s Hamburg Süd on 10 April, subject to the latter’s withdrawal from five consortia on trade routes connecting Northern Europe with Central America/Caribbean, West Coast South America, Middle East and the Mediterranean with West Coast South America and East Coast South America ... [+]

Maersk asks EU approval for Hamburg Sud buy

Maersk Line has applied for EU approval for its purchase of Hamburg Sud with an initial decision due by March 27- although the deadline can be extended for another 90 days. Main sticking points are seen as South American routes – for example, the combined carrier would have a 37% ... [+]

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