
You are THE ONE for us, fellow lines tell Hyundai

Container shipping company Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) – a line once threatened with bankruptcy in a crisis that led to the demise of fellow South Korean operator Hanjin - is to join THE Alliance as a full member. THE Alliance was founded in April 2017 by Hapag-Lloyd, Yang Ming and Japanese operators NYK, MOL and K Line; the latter three later merged to become Ocean Network Express – ONE. Subject to ... [+]

G6 to go Transatlantic

The G6 Alliance of container shipping lines is to expand its cooperation to the Asia-North America West Coast and Trans-Atlantic trade lanes. Some 42 ships will be deployed across five services including two pendulum services in the Trans-Atlantic trade lane calling at 25 ports covering the US East Coast, US ... [+]

G6 extends to Transpacific

One year on from its formation on the Asia-to-Europe trade lane, the G6 Alliance is to expand its cooperation to the Asia-to-North America East Coast trade. The G6 - APL, Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai Merchant Marine, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Nippon Yusen Kaisha and Orient Overseas Container Line - will deploy more than ... [+]

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