
Another five years for liner consortia

The European Commission has extended the block exemption for liner shipping consortia by a further five years, until April 2020. It follows a public consultation, from which Brussels concluded that the exemption has worked well, providing legal certainty and bringing benefits to customers and without unduly distorting competition. The Maritime Consortia Block Exemption Regulation allows shipping lines with a combined market share of below 30% to enter into cooperation agreements to provide ... [+]

European Shippers urge end to consortia

The European Shippers Council is urging the European Commission not to review the block exemption for liner shipping consortia, in its response to Brussels consultation on the subject. It said that with the changes in economic conditions and because some time has elapsed since the abolition of liner conferences in ... [+]

Commission consults on shipping consortia

The European Commission is inviting comments on a proposal to continue the consortia block exemption regulation that exempts liner shipping consortia from EU antitrust rules. The current regulation is due to expire in April 2015. According to the Commission, if consortia are faced with sufficient competition and are not used to ... [+]

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