
The shape of ships to come

Tilbury’s London Container Terminal and the Port of London Authority have welcomed the first call of a ‘neo-panamax’ vessel in the UK following the opening of the enlarged Panama Canal. The MSC-operated Sofia Celeste - capacity 8,800teu - is the first in a new class of vessels deployed on a reconfigured service connecting the West Coast of South America, East Coast of North America and Northwest Europe. She is the first ... [+]

New Cranes for London Container Terminal

London Container Terminal in Tilbury this week saw the first of its two panamax ship to shore cranes fully operational.  The first of the two cranes boomed down onto the Samskip vessel, the Henrike Schepers, with her cargo of containers for the UK market.  Spanish company, Paceco Espana S.A., were awarded ... [+]

New asset manager for London Container Terminal

Tilbury's London Container Terminal has appointed Jamie Frater as its new senior asset manager. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Eastport UK in Great Yarmouth and also sits as a non-executive board member of The Dublin Port Company. [+]

New potatoes

Angela Black, commercial manager of Tilbury’s London Container Terminal welcomed the captain of the OPDR Cadiz with the first shipment of Spanish potatoes this week. They arrived on the first vessel of OPDR’s weekly Bilbao service which has switched to LCT. [+]

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