
Updated: P3 Alliance clears Brussels hurdle

The P3 Network alliance between CMA CGM, MSC and Maersk Line has passed an important hurdle – approval by the European Commission. In the European Union (EU), the P3 Network – which had already got the green light from the Federal Maritime Commission in the US in March - was required to conduct a self-assessment and on 3 June the European Commission informed the P3 partners that it did not ... [+]

Autumn start for P3

CMA CGM, Maersk Line and MSC say that they expect their P3 operational alliance to start in Autumn this year. In a statement published on 21 May, the lines said that they were continuing their close cooperation with competition and maritime authorities in Europe and Asia to address questions and ... [+]

Another service for London Gateway

CMA CGM, CSAV and MSC are to call at London Gateway as part of the revised North Europe to East Coast South America service. The route will be operated by eight 9,800teu ships and as well as London Gateway, also calls on the north Continent and then Itaguai, Santos, Paranagua, ... [+]

New coastal link for Tilbury

Tilbury's London Container Terminal has signed an agreement with MSC Geneva, Italian freight forwarder Zeta System and shipping operator BG Freight to launch a new UK East Coast feeder service. The weekly service which will call at Rotterdam, Tilbury Immingham, Felixstowe and Grangemouth, Scotland and is aimed especially at Italian ... [+]

Longer contract, longer trains

GB Railfreight has confirmed a three-year extension to its contract with Mediterranean Shipping Company UK, until January 2017. The previous five-year contact was due to expire in February 2014. The rail firm will continue to run three daily services for MSC UK from the Port of Felixstowe: two to Hams ... [+]

Alliances could control four fifths of some trades, warns ESC

The European Shippers' Council (ESC) said that the two major shipping alliances – the G6, which announced in early December that it will expand its cooperation to the transatlantic and Asia-North America West Coast and trade lanes and the planned P3 cooperation between Maersk, MSC and CMA CGM would have ... [+]

US regulator calls for P3 to be put under the microscope

The Federal Maritime Commission , which regulates ocean transport in the US has joined other industry groups in calling for a careful scrutiny the proposed 'P3' alliance between Maersk Line, MSC and CMA CGM. FMC chairman, Mario Cordero, has called other regulators in the European Union and China, to join ... [+]

P3 plans revealed

P3 plans revealed CMA CGM has revealed details of its planned P3 network that it plans to set up with its new partners Maersk and MSC. Claiming the most comprehensive network on the three main East West Trades, there will be 13 weekly services on the Asia-Europe/Mediterranean trades, five weekly Transatlanticservices ... [+]

P3 plans alarm shippers

Plans by Maersk Line, MSC and CMA CGM to form a new global shipping alliance have alarmed shippers' representatives. At a joint meeting in Brussels on 18 June, the European and Asian Shippers’ Councils expressed their deep concern at the P3 plans. They said that the cooperation should in no ... [+]

Global shipping lines join forces

Three of the world's major container shipping lines - CMA CGM, Maersk and MSC – are to join forces in a long-term operational alliance on East – West trades from next year. The P3 Network will operate a total vessel capacity of 2.6 million teu (initially 255 vessels on 29 ... [+]

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