
New look for Zim services

ZIM will make some changes to its services between Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, Eastern Med and North Europe, aimed at improving coverage, reliability and availability. The India Sub-Continent-Europe trade will be served on the INE service, serving Tilbury, Nhava Sheva and Mundra. The Med-North Europe trade will be served by two loops: NE1 calling at Felixstowe, north-west Europe and Ashdod, Alexandria and Haifa, returning via Ashdod and Valencia to Felixstowe; and ... [+]

MSC to switch in Abu Dhabi

MSC is replacing Mina Zayed with Mina Khalifa as its  Abu Dhabi call onits dedicated feeder operations from Jebel Ali from 20 August. Trial calls at the new port have already yielded excellent results, says the shipping line and it first class infrastructure and services. [+]

Merger in South America

C are to merge their services between North Europe and East Coast South America into one operated with Panamax tonnage. It will call direct Santos, Paranagua, Navegantes, Santos, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador in Brazil, along with others on the north-west Continent. There is no direct UK call.   [+]

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