
Car specialist sets up shop with Netfreight

Cherished vehicle logistics specialist Procar has established a new freight forwarding arm using Descartes' hosted Netfreight solution. Procar, which offers specialist vehicle movements and third party logistics has set up its own forwarding operations to improve operational control and save costs and is using Descartes’ hosted Netfreight software to manage the planning and execution of all its import and export shipments. Procar shipping and logistics co-ordinator, Shane Merchant, said: “The Descartes ... [+]

Descartes acquires Impatex

The UK’s largest and oldest-established customs and freight forwarding software company, Impatex has been acquired by US-based Descartes Systems. Owned by its founder, Peter Day, who launched the company in 1980 and was joined in the business by his wife Sue in 1982, Impatex provides its iCE (Integrated Customs for Europe) ... [+]

NetFreight breaks free

The NetFreight web-based freight management and customs processing package is now available in 'the cloud, following an extension of the alliance between its developer Impatex, and freight industry hardware specialists Albacore Systems. NetFreight – launched in 2005 and acquired by Impatex in 2007 – was designed as a browser-based system, operating ... [+]

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