Virgin Atlantic cargo has moved over 82 tons of medical supplies and equipment for victims of Typhoon Haiyan on four of its aircraft heading to the Philippines for routine maintenance work. Shipments destined for UNICEF staff on the ground in the Philippines and the country’s Department of Health included hospital equipment, water purification tablets and life-saving drugs.
Virgin Atlantic Cargo’s Heathrow operations manager, Simon Porter, said: “It is six months since ...
Evergreen delivers aid to the Philippines
Evergreen carried four 20-ft containers of relief supplies from Port Klang to to Cebu in the Philippines to help with the typhoon Haiyan relief effort in late December. They included drinking water, dry food, tents, medical and sanitarian items, collected by Malaysian-based Crisis Relief Services ...
Air France-KLM-Martinair Cargo flew a B747 freighter filled with 100 tons of relief cargo from Amsterdam to Cebu in the Philippines on 22 November. The goods were provided by Unicef and the Red Cross to support the humanitarian effort in the aftermath of devastating typhoon Haiyan. Two further 747F flights ...
Agility, Maersk, TNT Express, and UPS - the four companies that make up the Logistics Emergency Teams (LETs) to humanitarian relief efforts during natural disasters - are offering vital warehousing, transport, and logistics support in the current emergency in the Central Philippines. Described as the first multi-company commitment to the ...
Chapman Freeborn Airchartering has positioned an Ilyushin IL-76 and an Antonov AN-12 freighter into the Philippines to delivery aid more quickly to typhoon victims. The (TAC).planes are available for charter from Mactan-Cebu, Manila and Tacloban airports.
Air Charter Service Late now has an An12 operating from Cebu and Davao into Tacloban and Guiuan, easing the backlog of the aid brought in by the larger freighters to these hubs where the warehouses are full. Justin Lancaster, group cargo director at ACS, commented: “We decided to position the ...
Lufthansa Cargo operated an aid flight to the Philippines on 22 November free of charge in partnership with the ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft’ emergency aid alliance. Carrying around 55 tonnes of relief supplies, the MD-11 freighter will bring more than twice the amount of cargo that was transported to the crisis-hit ...
With warehouses in Cebu filling up, Air Charter Service made the first civilian cargo flight into the typhoon-ravaged city of Tacloban on 15 November. Until then, only military aircraft and small passenger planes have been able to land at the local airport. Air Charter Service chartered the Antonov 12 aircraft ...
The air charter industry swung into action quickly to help victims of the Philippines typhoon.
On 13 November, Air Partner said it had organised four Boeing 777 and two 747 flights to the Philippines, carrying 600 tonnes of vehicles, tents, shelter kits and tarpaulins from East Midlands Airport and the UAE ...
A Lufthansa Airbus A340-600 flew 25 tonnes of emergency aid from Frankfurt to Manilla over the weekend of 9-10 November. Filling the belly space of the passenger aircraft were 5,400 fleece blankets, 3,000 plastic tarpaulins, tents and medical supplies for the area devastated by the super typhoon in the Philippines. ...