
CDS success is vital says tax firm – updated

Implementation of HMRC’s Customs Declaration Service (CDS) programme is absolutely vital, warns Brad Ashton, customs and international trade partner at audit and tax firm RSM following the launch of the first software release for the new system. He said: ‘It’s hard to overestimate the importance of this project for HMRC – and for the nation’s importers and exporters.” Ashton added that while CDS was planned well before the referendum, the UK’s imminent ... [+]

CDS risks remain, says National Audit Office

Risks remain to the delivery of HM Revenue & Customs new CDS computer system, said the National Audit Office in a progress updated published on 28 June, although it acknowledges that progress has been made. CDS (Customs Declaration Service) is HMRC’s replacement for the Chief computer system which is being implemented ... [+]

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