
Kallas set for collision with MEPs over cross-border gigaliners

EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas has decided to allow longer 25metre trucks of up to 60 tonnes – so-called 'gigaliners – to operate cross-border between two member states that authorise them on their territory. However, his interpretation of Directive 96/53/EC on the weight and dimension of vehicles could put him on a collision-course with the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport (TRAN), who are accusing Kallas of side lining MEPs znd unilaterally interpreting ... [+]

EU may draw up port competition guidelines

EU Transport Commissioner  Siim Kallas says that he planned to draw up guidelines for the relations between port authorities and service providers, specifically where a port authority fulfills both roles and where state aid is involved. In a speech on 11 May in Sopot, Poland, at a conference on sea ports, Kallas ... [+]

Kallas has yet another rethink on gigaliners

Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas is facing a revolt from some members of the European Parliament's Transport Committee over his apparent change of heart on whether to allow cross-border operator of so-called , where two adjacent member states allow the longer units to operate domestically on their respective territories. At a ... [+]

Kallas OKs cross-border gigaliners

Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas described as "ridiculous" suggestions that adjacent member states that both allow longer trucks - 'European Modular System combinations' or gigaliners - on their respective territories are not allowed to operate them between their two countries. He said he had received an opinion from the European Commission's ... [+]

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