
Spliethoff takes over Hansa ships

Amsterdam-based heavylift shipping firm Spliethoff Group has expanded its fleet with four multipurpose tween deck vessels and six heavy lift vessels taken over from defunct rival Hansa Heavy Lift. The acquisition increases the Spliethoff fleet to over 70 vessels. [+]

Break-bulk line beats the deep freeze

Break-bulk shipping line Spliethoff is introducing a twice-monthly winter sailing to North America between Antwerp/Zeebrugge and Baltimore. The summer service operates to the Great Lakes but these freeze over in winter. There will be a connecting rail service from Baltimore to Cleveland, Ohio. As soon as the Great Lakes unfreeze ... [+]

Transfennica ready for new limits

Spliethoff Group European ro ro subsidiary Transfennica says it plans to add Alfa Laval’s exhaust scrubbers to five of its motor ships. It follows a successful 12-month trial in which one of the largest marine exhaust gas scrubbing systems was installed on the MV Plyca. The new equipment will bring ... [+]

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