Steel firm SSI has exported its five millionth tonne of slab through PD Ports’ Teesport. It was loaded on to the Double Prestige on 18 March as part of a 68,000 tonne shipment, destined for the parent company in Thailand.
PD Ports’ managing director for bulks and port services, Jerry Hopkinson, said it was a significant milestone. “Since the blast furnace reopened almost two years ago the relationship between PD Ports ...
SSI UK has exported its millionth tonne of steel slab through PD Ports-owned Teesport since it reopened a local plant mothballed in 2010. The cargo was loaded on to the Yasa Eagle on 5 October as part of a 64,000 tonne shipment, destined for Thailand, SSI's home country.
David Robinson, PD ...