
TIR to go live in Iraq

The TIR transit system goes live in Iraq from 1 April. According to the International Road Transport Union (IRU), logistics companies are ready to start TIR operations from departure points such as Mersin, Türkiye, to the GCC via the Iraqi seaport of Umm Qasr. Pilot operations have shown that this journey can be completed in under a week, compared to a minimum of 14 days via the Red Sea, or ... [+]

Iraq to join TIR system

Iraq has acceded to the TIR Convention, paving the way for the implementation of the United Nations transit system in the country. The International Road Transport Union (IRU) said the TIR system would cut border waiting times significantly by allowing trucks to cross borders without having to queue for hours ... [+]

Iraq joins TIR

Iraq has become the 78th country to accede to the United Nations TIR Convention. The TIR transit and guarantee system has been adopted by Oman, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and, most recently, Qatar. The International Road Transport Union said it is already significantly reducing border-crossing times and boosting trade in ... [+]

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