
Freight flows despite French security cordon

It was more-or-less business as usual for the freight industry in the wake of the Friday 13th attacks on Paris. While some forwarders, including Toll Group, warned that “minor delays may be expected for cargo shipments due to stringent checks during customs clearance,” in practice most borders into France were flowing fairly smoothly, the freight industry reported. Managing director of Manchester-based Anglo-French specialist France Line International Transport, Marie Boyer, told FBJ: ... [+]

Forwarders fined for price-fixing

The European Commission fined 14 international air freight forwarders a total of €169 million on 28 March for colluding to fix prices and other trading conditions in 2002-07. The fines, which were a European mirror-image to those imposed by the US anti-trust authorities last year, were imposed mainly on large ... [+]

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