
The rail wagon rethought

Leasing company VTG says it has revolutionised the rail wagon with its m² modular concept. When the superstructure can be swapped for another one, a wagon is no longer limited to just a single transportation purpose and they can be made available more quickly. Wagons that have seasonal use no longer have to spend the rest of the year standing idle. They also make repair processes more efficient: if a ... [+]

VTG expands in Turkey

Rail and tank leasing company VTG regrouped all its Turkish activities under its VTG Nakliyat subsidiary. Business operations will be led jointly by Sinemis Özden, managing director VTG Nakliyat, and Zoltán Potvorszki, head of region south eastern Europe VTG Rail Logistics. The company plans to expand its rail, container and ... [+]

The sensor gets smart

Industrial internet firm Nexiot is equipping the entire European wagon fleet of rail leaser VTG with what it describes as a revolutionary design of smart sensor. Unlike previous designs, which could only transmit information a few times a day, the sensors can communicate with users every five minutes, says the company. The ... [+]

Rail firms get rid of the gaps

VTG Rail UK has signed hire agreements for its Ecofret container wagons with Freightliner and GB Railfreight. Freightliner has ordered 21 sets of twin-platform Ecofret wagons to add to its existing fleet of 43 twins, whilst GBRf has placed orders for 17 triple-platform sets which will join the existing triple with ... [+]

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