
New chief for World Shipping Council

The World Shipping Council (WSC) has appointed Joe Kramek as its new president and chief executive, taking over from John Butler who is retiring at the end of July. Joe Kramek brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role, having served as the WSC's Director of US Government Relations, along with 28 years as a commissioned officer with the US Coast Guard, where he spent time at ... [+]

US reforms unfair and unworkable, says World Shipping Council

A bill to amend the US Shipping Act expected to be introduced in the House of Representatives on 10 August contains serious flaws, says the World Shipping Council. While the new legislation attempts to address recent supply chain congestion WSC takes issue with the suggestion that ocean carriers are solely responsible ... [+]

Don’t blame us for chaos, say shipping lines

Ocean carriers are taking all available measures to improve the speed and efficiency of cargo movement and employing all available vessel tonnage, insists the World Shipping Council. The unparalleled disruptions to the international supply chain experienced over the last year are not caused by one party in the chain but ... [+]

Keep things fluid, says World Shipping Council

The World Shipping Council says that one of the single most important things that national and local governments can do right now is to ensure that the flow of cargo through the world’s ports remains fluid.  In many parts of the world, back-ups at warehouses, shortages of truck drivers, and ... [+]

Updated: Shipping groups call for five more years for consortia

Shipping groups call of five more years for consortia Four trade associations representing the international liner shipping industry have urged the European Commission to continue the Consortia block exemption which allows container alliances to operate. The World Shipping Council (WSC), the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), the International Chamber of Shipping ... [+]

Shipowners call for streamlined reporting

The European shipowners association (ECSA) and World Shipping Council (WSC) have called for more streamlined ship and cargo reporting system ahead of the European Commission’s expected publication of proposed revisions to the Reporting Formalities Directive (RFD) in early May. They would like to see a ‘harmonised maximum list’ of data reporting ... [+]

Industry calls for action on container packing

The Global Shippers Forum (GSF), ICHCA International, TT Club and World Shipping Council (WSC) called for government backing for the International Maritome Organisation (IMO)’s code of practice for container packing at London International Shipping Week in September. GSF secretary general, Chris Welsh, told a meeting held at the IMO: "Our coalition epitomises the depth ... [+]

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