
Air, Freight News

US airfreight industry welcomes end to blanket screening

[ June 20, 2014   //   ]

The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) has welcomed the US Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA’s) decision to lift requirements for ‘volume’ air cargo screening reports in favour of a more risk-based approach.

After the 9/11 terrorist attack, the US Government’ required 100% of all cargo on passenger aircraft into and out of US airports to be physically screened. However, TSA says nowthat it will no longer require the industry to provide air cargo screening volume reporting, a requirement which TIACA warned last autumn was putting strain on the industry.

TIACA secretary general, Doug Brittin, said that regular and ongoing inspections of industry’s cargo screening processes made the reports unnecessary, and suggested the personnel and IT resource being used to fulfil the requirement, for both government and industry,  could be better deployed.

He added: “All passenger carriers, and over 1,200 Certified freight forwarders and shippers in the US, have been required to measure and provide these reports monthly. We applaud this move as a positive step towards adopting a risk-based approach versus forensic compliance.”

Last September, TIACA chairman Oliver Evans said: “This move allows industry and government to properly focus limited resources on measures that materially benefit security. We represent all sections of the air freight supply chain and we are dedicated to continuing our close work with regulators to ensure global cargo security measures are effective and efficient, while ensuring the flow of commerce.”

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