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US dangerous goods rules to be brought in line with ICAO

[ April 26, 2012   //   ]

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), which oversees the rules for dangerous goods in air cargo in the US, says it plans to harmonise its rules for transport of lithium cells and batteries with those of the (ICAO).

Proposed PHMSA rules had been criticised by the air cargo industry as unworkable.

In a In a Federal Register notice published on 11 April, PHMSA issue a notice of proposed rulemaking in which it stated stated: “The ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel has met several times and devoted considerable discussion to the provisions applicable to the air transport of lithium cells and batteries. As a result, there have been many changes in the ICAO standards applicable to the air transport of lithium cells and batteries. Given the increased efficiency and clarity in having a uniform global standard, PHMSA considers harmonization with international standards when there is no adverse impact to safety.”
Changes adopted by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel include updates to package weight limits, additional labelling requirements and amendments to the information the shipper must provide to the carrier.
The Federal Register notice also invited comments from interested persons on the changes, by 11 May.
The full text of the Federal Register notice can be accessed online at:
The new changes to the ICAO regulations can be found at:


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