Air, Feature, Freight News, Logistics
Visit to the dentist as easy as ABC
[ July 5, 2012 // Chris ]AirBridgeCargo Airlines (ABC) was the only way to fly when the star attraction at Russia’s Udmurtskiy Zoo needed to go to the dentist. Sgata-Neseyka, a rare subspecies of Atlantic walrus, has been hand-reared since losing its mother. The 520kg walrus prospered at the zoo and also proved to be multi-talented, entertaining crowds by singing, dancing, clapping, playing the tambourine and kissing the hands of fans.
When Sgata-Neseyka needed treatment to extract an ingrowing tusk, keepers at the zoo identified Tierpark Hagenbeck TPG Hamburg as the best place for treatment and rehabilitation and contacted the livestock experts at ABC to arrange safe carriage of their precious cargo. A special transportation cage was manufactured for Sgata-Neseyka’s flight to Germany, maintained at +5-10°C for the duration of the flight.
Tags: AirBridgeCargo Airlines, Germany, Udmurtskiy Zoo, walrus