Business, Freight News
We need a Brexit minister, says Irish freight industry
[ May 19, 2017 // Chris ]XThe Freight Transport Association Ireland (FTAI) is calling for the urgent appointment of a dedicated Brexit Minister in the Irish Parliament, following the resignation of Enda Kenny as Taoiseach. FTAI says that, without a minister operating in the role, there would be a lack of leadership which could affect the nation’s trading relationship both with the UK and the EU member states.
FTAI general manager, Aidan Flynn, said: “While civil servants in key departments most impacted by Brexit have been engaging with the logistics industry to explore Brexit solutions, in the opinion of our members the current Transport Minister Shane Ross has not shown the required leadership, interest or desire to understand the issues facing the logistics sector.
“FTA Ireland has been disappointed at the minister’s lack of engagement and the resignation of Enda Kenny leaves the government without a stable, forward thinking influence which is vital to ensure the best possible outcome for Ireland during the Brexit negotiations. Our membership of more than 300 businesses across the country believes that the appointment of a dedicated Brexit Minister is vital, so that government is able to determine the best solutions for Ireland and help shape successful trading proposals to support our sector.”
Tags: FTAI