Freight News, Sea

Welsh port devolution is welcomed

[ February 27, 2015   //   ]

The Welsh Ports Group welcomed government plans to devolve certain transport functions, such as ports policy, to the Welsh Government.

The Welsh Ports Group, which represents the interests of ports across Wales, is chaired by Alec Don, the Chief Executive of Milford Haven Port Authority. He said it would be an opportunity “to work closely with the Welsh Government on the development of a ports policy supportive of a sector which is such an important driver of the Welsh economy.”

However, questions remained on how a Welsh ports policy unit would be resourced; and the implications for ports policy elsewhere in the UK. He added: “The Welsh Ports continue to believe in the preservation of a level playing field which includes not being put at any disadvantage relative to ports in other regions.

Ports operate commercially and independently, but do rely on government to provide a fast and efficient planning system, good road and rail connections and a light touch regulatory approach, he said.

The Welsh Ports Group was one of a number of bodies that gave both oral and written evidence to the Silk Commission as part of its review of the Welsh devolution.
